The Enneagram theory of personality or individual differences is a typology system. It is a system of classifying human behavioral traits into types. Personality or human behavioral traits are enduring (lasting, continuing) patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that are exhibited in a wide range of personal and social contexts.

You may be one of those individuals who believe that you and/or others are just too complex or unique to be “typed” or “put into a box.” If so, I encourage you to at least focus on the traits (both strengths and  weaknesses/vulnerabilities) that are listed in your narrative report. Even those who do not believe in the concept of type have told me that they have benefited greatly from being able to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

But now, let's begin to look at your graphs. At the top of your pictorial analysis, you will find a graph labeled “Essence” (in blue, if you have a color printer). Your highest score on this graph represents what I predict would turn out to be your Essence or genetically predisposed personality, if there was a way to actually verify this. Since science has not reached the point where a genetic personality type can be identified and predicted (maybe the Genome Project will be able to do this in the future), the only way you can validate your type at this time is by thoroughly studying all 9 types and by obtaining feedback from those who know you well. Your narrative report will help you in this process as will any of the more popular books that are on the market today. If you are a beginner in the study of the Enneagram, I suggest you start with my book, The Road to Wisdom, or any of the following:

A more thorough and fascinating way of determining your Essence is to participate in one of our 12-hour training sessions entitled The Road to Wisdom. For information, contact Reve’ Butler at 913-207-1467.

Over 500 individuals have participated in our Road to Wisdom training program. Of these individuals, approximately 90% agreed that their Essence or Core Type was accurately depicted on the Essence (Blue) graph. Of those who did not agree that their Essence was the highest score on the Essence graph, almost all agreed that it was their second or third highest score. Therefore, you might find it useful to look at the descriptions of your second and third highest scores found in my book or any of the other suggested sources.

Individuals who did not believe in the concept of type, did concur that the assessment accurately identified personality traits that they had acquired or learned as a result of interacting with significant individuals in their environment, both positive and negative. One individual described it as “a fascinating X-ray of the totality and complexity of who I have become as I have adapted to what life sends my way.”

The strengths graph (in green) in the lower left corner represents the healthy traits or qualities that you have learned from significant representatives of each of the 9 types. The higher the score, the more you acknowledge possessing the strengths of that type. Whether at work or in your personal life, you should try to capitalize on those strengths. Refer to “The Strengths/Gifts of Your Type” and “Your Self-Acknowledged Strengths” in your narrative report. For a more extensive list of strengths (traits across types) refer to my book, The Road to Wisdom, Appendix E.

The vulnerabilities graph (in red) at the lower right corner represents the unhealthy traits or qualities that you have learned from significant representatives of each of the 9 types. The higher the score, the more willing you are to acknowledge the possession of the weaknesses or vulnerabilities of that type. Whether at work or in your personal life, you should try to control, manage, or compensate for your weaknesses or vulnerabilities. Refer to “The Weaknesses/Potential Vulnerabilities of Your Type” and “Your Self-Acknowledged Weaknesses or Vulnerabilities” in your narrative report. In addition, you may wish to refer to The Road to Wisdom, Appendix E, for a more detailed list of your vulnerabilities.

There are four additional scores at the bottom of the graph that are research scales that are not open to interpretation at this time. These scores are: Strengths, Vulnerabilities, Self-esteem, and Insight. After I have collected enough samples and analyzed the data, I will some day be able to give individuals even greater insight into their behavior.

Now, please turn to your personal report. The Overview at the beginning gives you a snapshot of the type and is a good, high-level summary. Your Perceptual World View section shows the motivation that drives your behavior. For example, for Type Three, the perceptual world view is to strive to succeed, be respected and admired. A Type Three would be motivated by success, respect and admiration and would assume that this is what motivates others.

The Strengths/Gifts part of the report is an overview of the typical strengths exhibited by the Type. The Self-Acknowledged Strengths in the next section reflect statements that you endorsed as being your particular strengths, which is unique to Butler’s Enneagram Type Assessment.

How Your Strengths, If Over-used, Can Become Your Weaknesses gives you an idea of how strengths can work to your disadvantage if they are carried to extreme. The Weaknesses/Potential Vulnerabilities of Your Type will tell you the potential weaknesses your type may exhibit if you are at the slipping or unhealthy level for your type (see extensive descriptions of slipping and unhealthy behaviors for each type in my book, The Road to Wisdom. Your Self-Acknowledged Weaknesses reflect statements that you endorsed as being your particular weaknesses or vulnerabilities.

Life Challenges will tell you the developmental issues, that when worked on, will keep you functioning more at the healthy level of your type.

My book, The Road to Wisdom, has additional sections of information for each type:

  • How you might know you are interacting with a particular type
  • Levels of functioning for the type (healthy, slipping, and unhealthy behaviors
  • Tips for working effectively with the type

Please keep in mind that no theory or model of personality perfectly describes all aspects of an individual. Each of the 9 types is not intended to be a rigid category or stereotype. In addition, no assessment tool is ever 100% accurate. The results of my assessment are impacted by how much effort you put into thinking about the item before you responded, how much insight you possess into your personality and your behavior; and how willing you were to acknowledge who you really are rather than who you would like to be or who you think others think that you should be. Finally, there is always some error in measurement, particularly in the assessment of personality. Once again, when determining how well your results fit you, you may want to:

  1. Share your results with someone who knows you well and get their insight and feedback regarding how they see you.

  2. Read any of the resources suggested above or refer to Appendix G in my book.

  3. Have your company or organization participate in our 12-hour training program, The Road to Wisdom.

In conclusion, thank you for taking the time to learn more about yourself. Best wishes on your journey to self-discovery!

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